Various Kissimmee, FL Tourist Views

     Just a few different sites every tourist sees in the Kissimmee, Florida area! There are tons and tons of shops set up just selling various souvenirs from t-shirts, to key chains, to everything in between!

Awesome Orange Stand
Some buildings had the coolest shapes and sizes including
the wizard on the front of this gift shop!
This is one that I loved the drawings throughout the exterior!
There were several that had amazing drawings, this is just
one of the few I was actually able to photograph while
stopped at a stoplight! I kept saying I'd walk the strip and
take pics, I just didn't want to get caught up in all the
tourist-y stores! :)  

Various pics of our animals! :)

 Just a few various pictures of some of the animals lounging around the RV!  :)

It looks like snow, it feels like snow...

     I posted this on Facebook and just had to post it in the blog! We are obviously from a cold weather state and are used to seeing lots of snow. Due to our traveling, especially due to my back pain issues and our need to passionately homeschool hands-on across the United States, we have not actually lived in cold weather for about three winters.

     Kristi happened to open the freezer and saw this snow-like mixture throughout it. She scooped it up in a cup and said, "It looks like snow, it feels like snow; but, it sure doesn't taste like snow!"

LOL! It still makes me laugh! :)