We already make a difference!

     I have the most awesome kids! I was looking at something and I said something to the effect of, "I just want my children to be happy, successful (in whatever way they want to be), and make a difference in the world." Brad overheard me and said, "Mom, we already make a difference, we feed the poor!"

     It's funny because throughout their childhood we have always picked up different types of activities to "give back" to the community or help others. Once, we helped with Operation Christmas Shoebox; another time, we helped with Meals from the Heartland. We've had so many opportunities to serve and each time, they have become some of my children's most treasured moments! They remember how they made sure that the shoebox had hygiene items (so they can stay clean), along with school supplies, knowing if the child didn't have school supplies he or she wasn't able to go to school. They remember!!! They remember and want to do more of those things. I also found that giving is the most rewarding thing we have ever done.

     So again, it's funny that I just wanted them to make a difference in life and they overheard and said that they have already! How awesome! Their most recent adventure of helping is by going on this website called www.freerice.com. What they do is work on subjects like: math, grammar, etc. and for each answer they get right, they feed the hungry 10 grains of rice. (By the way, I LOVE that they are learning while they are giving.) I think Kristi is at 10,000 or more already! LOL! For the last 5 DAYS STRAIGHT, that is their first thought and last thought of the day! "Mom, I have to go on free rice and feed the hungry." LOL! They are too funny and so sweet trying to do all they can. We will have to find further opportunities for them as we travel across the United States living and learning and now helping others too!
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